The focal Point of this page is to consolidate ALL the fabrics, kits, projects, and other items with regards to the 2025 All Indiana Shop-Hop.
The foundation of the shop-hop is the specially designed FABRIC LINE for the inaugural All State Shop Hop, by Quilt Treasures Fabrics. This Collection Has 17 Sku’s comprised of EIGHT (8) different prints, some in Multiple colors. These prints are designed to highlight and feature those things Indiana is most best known for from our crops, to fascination with Basketball, our unique flag, and concludes with some of our greatest features, but little recognized outside the state, which are our wonderful State Parks!
These fabrics are basis of no less than FIVE (5) projects to be featured in the Shop Hop Guidebook (available for Preorder starting 19 February with distribution to begin a month later. This allows ample time for folks to get the guidebooks and plan their visits to the various shops around the state.
Pre-Orders of the FABRIC cannot be taken until 19 March, with distribution commencing with the start of the Shop Hop 1 May 2025. In keeping with the spirit of the Shop Hop that being to encourage traffic into the participating shops. Pre-orders and orders during the Shop Hop will be filled for IN STORE pick-ups only, On-Line orders not picked up in store during the Shop Hop WILL NOT be SHIPPED until AFTER the close of the Shop Hop, 30 June and most likely AFTER the 4th of July Holiday.
Please check this page often as information becomes available it will be published here.
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