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Indiana Quilt Depot
& Machine Service LLC

available at

Low in-store inventory, may be subject to change.


 In addition to the FREE Row Patterns, many of the shops develop other souvenir products for participants as a remembrance of their visit to the shop. The vanity license plates with sewing and quilting related sayings have become one of the favorites. In fact, the plates have become so popular that some people have become more interested in them that the actual patterns and have used them in truly imaginative and creative was. 


(The words in BLUE are links to pages providing more information on the specific subject.)

As the Row by Row Experience is very much a form of economic tourism, we decided to highlight our local heritage and history in an attempt to build an awareness and share appreciation of our community. While there is so much to be proud of in our community, the one facet that raises above the rest is our space connection and being the “home of the astronauts”.

With 2017 being our first year to participate in Row by Row and the 50th Anniversary of the loss of local hero Gus Grissom and his crew of Apollo 1, we decided to remember these men who were certainly, “ON THE GO” in heroic fashion.  The image on our plate is the insignia of the Apollo 1 mission in remembrance. Don’t miss the fact that it is centered over the outline of the State

Our vanity phrase is, “SEW HEROIC”.
Yes, a play on words in keeping with the sewing/quilting theme of the Row by Row experience.
No one can claim that these men were not heroic in their lives and death. Were these men avid sewist, probably not (Although they were military men so they certainly had experience sewing buttons and insignias).  

Our shop is literally in the heart of IU country so we were ask WHY didn’t we make our plate background Crimson & Cream… Well, Gus was a Hoosier all right, but he went to that other Indiana school, Purdue, to get an engineering degree. Purdue’s colors are BLACK & GOLD. It should be pointed out that Purdue has played a large part of our space program from Gus' day to the present.


IF you want to know more about the FabricPlates(TM) and the creative and imaginative ways people have used them in their projects, here is a link : 
